sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

Torturas en la Edad Media

En la Edad Media, era el siglo de oro en Europa para los torturadores ya que la imaginación volaba sobre ellos y podían cometer múltiples formas de torturar al ser humano, estas son algunas de ellas:
La víctima era atada a los extremos y después se tiraba de las cuerdas hasta que los miembros se descoyuntaban. Fue utilizado sobre todo en Francia y Alemania, durante los tiempos de la Inquisición.
Destinado a comprimir y reventar los huesos del cráneo. La barbilla de la víctima se colocaba en barra inferior, y el casquete era empujado hacia abajo por el tornillo. Los efectos de este artilugio son, en primer lugar, la ruptura de los alveólos dentarios, después las mandíbulas y por último el cerebro se escurre por la cavidad de los ojos y entre los fragmentos del cráneo.
Sobresalía por su refinamiento. También fue utilizado por la Inquisición, pero su existencia se conoce desde los tiempos de la antiguo China. Consistía en colocar una rata sobre el abdómen del torturado, encerrada en un jaula abierta por abajo, mientras los verdugos la hacían rabiar con palos ardiendo, de forma que el animal tenía que buscar una salida y a mordiscos abría un túnel en las tripas del condenado, llegando, a veces, a salir por otro lado del cuerpo.
Aun había otros artilugios como la doncella de hierro, esos ataúdes que eran piezas de exquisita artesanía por fuera y por dentro. Por fuera por la gran cantidad de grabados y relieves que adornaban su superficie; por dentro, por la espectacular colección de pinchos, dirigidos a puntos concretos del cuerpo, que se iban clavando lentamente sobre el inquilino, a medida que se cerraba la puerta.
Los clavos eran desmontables, con lo que se podían cambiar de lugar, con el fin de poseer un amplio abanico de posibles mutilaciones y heridas que daban lugar a una muerte más o menos lenta.

Este sistema se hizo muy popular en las mazmorras de la Edad Media. Una vez que al torturado se le habían fijado los pies a un cepo, se procedía a untar las plantas con sal o sebo. La cabra atraída por el condimento, comenzaba a lamerlas, y la aspereza de su lengua hacía que atravesara la piel y dejara los pies en carne viva, llegando en ocasiones hasta el hueso

Opinión Personal:
Pienso que estos castigos y torturas son muy sádicos a la par de dolorosos, se pretendería usar con las personas que hubieran cometido un delito muy grave, si no fuera así la gente estaba loca por aquel entonces.

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

The best videogame in the world!

I'm going to talk about the best videogame in the world and why I like it so much.
I think the best videogame in the world is "Call of Duty: Black Ops II", the best game of the famous Call of Duty saga. Black Ops II has three diffrent fantastic game modes: 

  • Campaign:
In this mode you have to complete all the missions in the game to pass it and know about the story of that. I liked this game mode but I think it was a little bit boring and easy because you play against bots.

  • Multiplayer:
This was an online mode. You have to kill the people in the other team to win the game. There were lots of different weapons, perks and different modes like domination or team deathmatch. I played multiplayer for weeks with my cousins and my friends, it was awesome! With difference the best mode of this videogame.

  • Zombies:
In this mode you have to survive from huge hordes of zombies. You can buy perks, ammo,  weapons... Each round there are more zombies and they are stronger so you have  to be a very good player to survive lots of rounds. Our record was 38 rounds. I played with my cousins and we really enjoyed it. We bought zombies maps to play and they were incredible!

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Which 3 things would you take to a desert island and why those things?

Hi, I´m Peter of 2ºB and this is my first entry in English, the theme of this entry is "Which 3 things would you take to a desert island and why those things?".
1.- I would take a big knife to cut things and kill animals.
2.- I would take a water bottle to can survive and not die of dehydration and food for not die of hunger.
3.- Bandages to prevent infections.
I see you in the next entry!
Picture Reference.

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

My pet is a real character!


Her name is puchina, because i had a cat whose name was puchina. She is a cat and is very playful, but is very sleepy too. Is very nice. 


She is three months old. She climbs up the curtain and open the door. She sleep on the sofa. She loves go to the garden.


A science experiment everyone can do

 Hi everybody, today we make a smoke bomb. This experiment is very easy, we only need:
 - Four ping-pong balls
 - Scissors
 - Foil paper
 - Some matches
 - Lighter

 Okay, first, we take three ping-pong balls and cut these into small pieces with the scissors. Then, we take the other ball, make a small hole in this (1 cm diameter) and put into the ball with the hole the other small pieces:

 Later we take the foil paper and surround the ping-pong ball:

 We cut in half four matches and put into the ball, and finally burn the bottom of the structure:

 We finished the smoke bomb, after burn it stay away of the bomb, the smoke is toxic and smells bad. Good luck and don't be bad people! ;D

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

My trip to Rome

Last easter I went to Rome for four days. I went with my brother, my father and my grand-mother. We took a plane and we arrived at the Italian airport of Fiumicino at night. There, we called a taxi that took us home. We had rent a flat in Triton's road. That night, we visited the Fontana de Trevi, because it was five minutes away from the flat. It was very beautiful because there wasn't any people and it was illuminated.

Next morning, the first thing we did was to visit the Spain's Square, one of the most important places in the city.
Then, we went to Via Corso, the most important avenue in Rome. There are a lot of shops, all kind of shops. At the beginning of that road there's the Popolo square, with an enormous museum, and, at the end, the Venice square. From there, we walked up the Imperial Forum avenue, that drove us to the Coliseum. After visiting the amphitheater, we had lunch at Piazza Navona. I remember I ate pesto spaghettis. Then, we walked the rest of the day. At night we went back to our flat.

The third day we went to the Vatican. We bought a guided tour, so we didn't have to wait the long queue. We got out the Vatican at midday and we had lunch near there. Then, we went to San Pietro square. After that, we took a taxi and we went to Caracalla's baths. That day we had dinner at the Pantheon square. Then we went back home.

The last day, we wandered around and bought several things. At the afternoon, we took the plane back home.

The thing i liked the best was the Caracallas's baths. I like imaginig the ancient romans building that.

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

My favourite place in Salamanca

My favourite place in Salamanca is the main square. In the main square there are some cofee shops.
There are many people everyday, it is one of the most beautiful squares in Spain.
In the north of the square is the council, and the big clock.
In the main square there are benches and lampposts.
On the walls are sculptures of famous historical people of Salamanca.
I like it because it is very beautiful and we can walk in this.

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

                                           MY FAVOURITE PLACE IN SALAMANCA

My favourite place in Salamanca is the Burgos square because I go to  Burgos square once a week to play basketball, and basketball is my favourite sport. The Burgos square is behind of my house. On Fridays is full but not many people play basketball. There are two football and basketball tracks, a park and two kiosks.
 It´s really fun!